Watch the video below.

Questions and Answers

Question: Are you sure the person mentioned in the video is Satan?

The Answer: Positive.

Question: Is the “Antichrist” and "the man of lawlessness" (2 Thessalonians 2:3) the same person?

The Answer: Yes.

Question: Okay, so this person mentioned in the video is the Antichrist, what do I do now? What do I do with this information?

The Answer: Share this information. Tell people. Inform people of this cult that is growing so other people do not get sucked into it. Like a disease that is spreading and infecting people, raising awareness is the first suit of armor people can wear to protect themselves from falling into this trap of following Satan. The more people who are aware, the less likely their souls will be pulled into darkness.

After sharing this information with a Christian about who the Antichrist is, they believed me and believed this individual to be Satan, but the Christian still asked me this: “Why are you sharing this with me? It’s not my job to know this information or to judge anyone. I don’t need to know who the Antichrist is, nor will I ever follow him because I already follow God and Jesus, so why should I know who the Antichrist is?”

The Answer: Because other people are going to flock toward the Antichrist, the man of sin. Friends, family, and other people you know, and people around you, and the world at large will follow him, and it is up to us to help people find God and know the truth. The more informed we are on this information, the more we can be better prepared to have educated discussions with people and explain the dangers of following this person with authority. If you are truly loving and compassionate, you will want to help these people not fall into the trap of Satan and follow Satan and be led to their demise. Just how a good friend warns another friend of something dangerous so they don’t get hurt, we must warn each other of the danger that is coming and of the satanic cult that is growing in the world.

Question: Is it hateful to call out the Antichrist? Are you hating him by making this video about him?

The Answer: No. I am not hating him. If you watch the video I am not saying anything to him with hate or anger, I am simply informing the world what God has revealed to me. I have not encouraged anyone to hurt or harass Satan. I have not slandered him. Slander is making up false accusations to ruin someone’s reputation, and I am not making up any false accusations. What I am saying is based on evidence and the truth, and I am not trying to ruin Satan’s reputation. I am only revealing who he is and what he has done and what he is up to, it is his own fault for doing what he has done and being who he is. And there is not much of a point in trying to ruin his reputation even if that was what I desired, since it is prophesied the Antichrist will be allowed to reach world domination, people will follow him regardless of how inflammatory anyone is about him; it ultimately makes no difference. What I am doing is not hateful, but the opposite. I am being compassionate by informing people of the danger that is Satan. And I hope the Antichrist turns away from his sins and finds God. Though, it is prophesied that the Devil will go to Hell and will be unrepentant, so it appears no matter how hard I pray for him or whatever I do for him to help him, he has chosen to not turn away from sin and his desire to become a god. I am aware of the process that God is using Satan for and I am not encouraging anyone to harm him, for it is God who will ultimately judge him and send him to Hell after God is finished using Satan for His purposes of using Satan to gather the evil people of the world together to remove them from the righteous population of people.

Question: Can you please explain to me what the “Antichrist” is? Who is he?

The Answer: Jared Leto is the autonomous human incarnation of the angel Satan. Jared Leto is Satan, but Satan is divided into multiple persons, like how God is divided into multiple persons, God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ. “The Antichrist” specifically refers to the part of Satan that took human form on this Earth. He has a separate mind than the angel he is derived from. He is cut from the same cloth as Satan. Leto is like a human clone of Satan. Leto has the same spirit and desires as the angel Satan. He desires to be worshiped as a god and to be declared “the god” of everything and to have power and control over everyone and everything. Satan and Satan's human incarnation, Jared Leto, are highly intuitive sociopaths. They are “empathic,” meaning: they can understand people and how they think very quickly and know how to behave to manipulate people and to not be detected as evil, which allows Leto to “fly under the radar,” so to speak. Leto is not as intelligent as the angel Satan; Leto has roughly the same intelligence as a normal person.

Question: Why is Satan called “the god of this world” in the Bible (2 Corinthians 4:4)?

The Answer: Satan has claimed that he would be a better god than God. God is allowing Satan to temporarily have power over this world and spiritually influence this world to demonstrate how terrible Satan is and how he is in fact not a better god than God. God is temporarily allowing the angel Satan, which is an inter-dimensional being who lives as an ethereal being to us humans and he has been allowed to have power over the Earth and create the world he wants, giving verifiable proof that he is evil and why he should go to Hell.

Question: Why does God allow Satan to have that kind of power and be “the god of this world?”

The Answer:  Many reasons; part of the answer was explained in the previous question, but the few main reasons are: 1) God is using Satan as a magnet to attract all the unrepentant sinners of the world together so they can separate from the people who want to follow God, where these two groups of people will be judged accordingly and the truly unrepentant sinners will go to Hell along with Satan; 2) because humanity has the chance to experience what a “false god’s” leadership looks like and how miserable life is underneath a false god, like Satan, so when they experience God’s leadership, they can better appreciate God’s leadership. Since the first humans did not appreciate God’s leadership and they were rebellious, God gave humans an alternative experience by allow Satan to be “the god of this world” so they can experience the insanity, chaos and the suffering of what life is like without God being in control. This way humanity can better appreciate life with God once God throws Satan in Hell and is done with him.

Question: Ok. So, I understand Jared Leto has a cult and a group of people following him, but how does he take over the world exactly? How does an actor/musician celebrity end up taking over the world with the following that he has? Jared Leto may have millions of fans, but the world has more than 7 billion people. How does Satan take over the world from the position he is in right now?

The Answer: All that Jared Leto has to accomplish right now is becoming as famous as possible and clutching a sizable cult following. The “angel Satan” who controls the world from the outside will eventually give the Jared Leto the ability to perform miracles and the whole world will witness these miracles and be impressed with him and people will think that he is a god and savior. Jared Leto’s initial cult following, the people who are already following Jared, will be greatly impressed and in awe of Jared Leto while the rest of the world may be in a place of skepticism, but the cult following of Jared Leto, his “Echelon” as he calls them, will tell the world how great Jared Leto is and how amazing” and “kind” and “wonderful” Jared Leto is and will encourage the world to follow him and surrender to him and accept him as their leader. Jared Leto will be able to perform miracles like summoning fire from the sky as it is explained in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 13:13). “And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people.”

Question: Why will the people of the world follow Satan?

The Answer: There are many reasons. The main reasons are: people who want to continue sinning, and people who do not want to take responsibility for their actions will want to find refuge in a community of people who feel and think the same, so they will flock to the most unapologetic, unrepentant person they can find to give them the validation of being who they are and they will find Satan an inspiration to them. Jared Leto, Satan in the flesh, will already have a massive cult from his fanbase 30 Seconds to Mars and from his acting career and these people will encourage people to follow Leto and people will funnel into Satan’s cult.

Question: Are you “Michael”, the individual prophesied to appear at the end time in the biblical passage Daniel 12:1?

The Answer: Yes.

Why is Satan so successful at gathering a cult following?

There are a few main reasons. First, he is famous and seen as talented by many, and this admiration pulls people in and many people feel more special when they are around people they think are “special”. Jared Leto is also seen as a sex-icon to many people. Many of his followers have sexual fantasies about him and there are many sex-erotic fan fictions about Jared Leto online that many of them read (including incest erotica between Jared Leto and his biological brother Shannon Leto; many of these people have sexual perversions). They get sucked into sexual temptation and sexual immortality and this keeps them sucked into his cult. I have spoken to many people who follow Jared Leto and one follower of him explained to me that her sexual fantasies about Jared Leto was how she coped with depression and she became codependent on the comfort of Jared Leto to deal with the hardships of life, and this is likely why a lot of people flock to Jared Leto because they use him as a coping mechanism for life instead of Jesus and God. Jared Leto has become a religion to many people and an idol of worship. He has been gathering this following over a period of decades, this did not happen overnight. His whole acting and music career was the means in which the Antichrist subversively gathered a cult following. In other words, his acting and music career was the leg work of gathering this cult.

Jared Leto also has a type of personality that people find magnetic. He uses witty jokes and “silly facial expressions” in videos recorded of him to seem likable and relatable and he sometimes tells stories about his life to seem like he is “like everyone else”. He plays both sides of the boundary between “being relatable” and being a deified larger-than-life rockstar box-office celebrity who is beyond reach.

Jared Leto is also an “empath.” And note, not all empaths are “good people”. Some people think being an empath is being synonymous with being a good person, and this is not true. The definition of an empath is someone who is in tune with people around them. The definition of an empath is “someone who has a keen ability to sense what people are thinking and feeling around them.” Empaths are information gatherers, who are very perceptive people, who can accurately understand what people are thinking and feeling and can quickly calculate how to respond to someone to achieve a particular reaction from someone. Empaths have the choice on whether to use what they know about people for good or evil; they can manipulate people using their empathic abilities or they can choose to help comfort or heal people. Jared Leto, the Antichrist, is an empath who has used his intelligence to manipulate people and use his sex appeal and acting and singing abilities to gather a cult following to take over the world and use people’s temptations and weakness against them, so he can have power and control over them.

The video below describes Satan’s personality and the False Prophet’s personality. Satan is a “dark empath” sociopath who can appear as “false light” and can appear to be a loving and caring person, which is how he pulls people into his grasp. Many people flock to the False Prophet because they believe he is a great person, a loving person, a sensitive and an emotionally aware person. Satan is in fact “emotionally aware” but uses this awareness to manipulate people, where he can act compassionate as a tool to make people trust him so he can then exploit them and manipulate them. This is one of the most monstrous ways to manipulate people.

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Jared Leto’s Rape and Sexual Assault Testimonies

Website: - This website is a compilation of sexual assault allegations and sexual assault testimonies about Jared Leto. This should give you a character assessment of who Jared Leto actually is and the rose-tinted sunglasses some people wear are hiding who he really is. Satan is demonic and he has a predatory mindset. Jared Leto’s actual personal life and how he lives life fits the predatory profile of Satan, by reaping pleasure from people at any cost, no matter the harm.

  • Question: Okay, these sexual assault allegations may very well true about Jared Leto, but what does this have to do with him being Satan? How is this evidence that he is Satan?

  • The Answer: These sexual assault, pedophilia, and rape allegations against Jared Leto help assess his character. How he lives his life to the extremes of perversion and how he takes advantage of people. It is Satan’s personality to do what Jared Leto is doing; notice how he especially likes taking advantage of people who are young and vulnerable, this is Satan’s personality. Satan has the obsession for indulging and so does Jared Leto. By assessing how he lives we can assess how closely his personality is similar to Satan. The Antichrist is an incarnation of Satan, so the Antichrist would have to have the predatory, controlling, and abusive impulses that Satan has to control people, just how Jared Leto has also created a cult - all of these character traits of him add up to giving you a fuller picture of who Jared Leto is and helps you better understand how he actually is Satan. These allegations against Jared Leto, along with his history of creating perverted content; like: his pornographic music video “Hurricane” (which can be seen here:, how he sometimes strips during his concerts in front of his audience on stage, or how he sometimes grabs his genitalia on stage during concerts; all demonstrate how Jared Leto is tempting people to fall away from God by tempting them with sexual sin, where he is using sexual temptation to gather people into his cult so he can control them so he can eventually become their God - you are witnessing his plan right here - by studying how he lives and what he does, we can map out his psychology and what he is planning and why he is doing what he is doing.

[You can click on the link to the website or you can scroll through the photo gallery below by clicking through the arrow that pops up on the right side of the screen.]

Post with 4972 views. Jared Leto: Allegations and Witnesses (creepy behaviour, harassment, & rape)

Jared Leto surrounds himself with another sexual predator, Terry Richardson

Jared Leto surrounds himself with another sexual predator, Terry Richardson. People form bonds and friendships with people they have things in common with. Sexual perversion, pedophilia, and predatory behavior is what both these people have in common and appears to be the backbone of their relationship and what draws Jared Leto and Terry Richardson together.

If Jared Leto detested sexual perversion and sexual abuse, then why is he friends with Terry Richardson? Terry Richardson is a photographer who often requires models to have sex with him in order to have a photoshoot with him, and he also orchestrates photoshoots where he makes people have sex with him. 

People are drawn towards each other when they have similar moral values (or the lack thereof). We can gauge Jared Leto's evil by observing who he spends his time with and who his friends are.

Disrespect towards children, women, and people at large, is found within Terry Richardson life and work. We can observe that Jared Leto approves and validates Terry Richardson, his lifestyle, and his mindset by observing how close they are - and we can accurately conclude that Jared Leto's mindset reflects that of Terry Richardson.


Satan’s Symbology


Provehito In Altum - “Provehito In Altum” is a biblical phrase from a Latin Bible that is tattooed on Jared Leto. The phrase can be interpreted in a few ways, but the most literal translation of the term is “Promote yourself into the Most High”. “The Most High” is a term commonly used in the Bible to describe God, who is “the Most High”. Jared Leto is taking this phrase and applying it to himself and using it as his motto to “promote himself into the Most High”, as if he is saying he is trying to make himself into God. This is what Satan is trying to do, promote himself into the Most High, which is what Jared Leto has tattooed on his body and a slogan that he has tabled in his merchandise and band history. His cult and his fanbase are familiar with the term and many of his fans and his cult have the phrase tattooed on their bodies. Satan twists scripture to make what is holy unholy, just how Jared Leto is twisting this biblical phrase to mean something satanic and unholy. Jared Leto twists a holy biblical text into something unholy, which is a characteristic trait of Satan. Jared Leto is likely encouraging his followers to turn their backs to God by telling them to “become gods yourselves!” by encouraging them to “promote yourself into the Most High!”, “Provehito In Altum!”. This is one of the ways Satan is luring people into following him and he already has trained and groomed people into following his ideologies through this slogan and his satanic song lyrics.


Research notes on the origins of the the phrase “PROVEHITO IN ALTUM”:

A web link to the research paper:


There is a Wikipedia article from 2011 explaining how Jared Leto is an “archangel” here to fight during the apocalypse

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YouTube Commentaries on Jared Leto’s Suspicious Behavior

Cruel World Happy Mind - The YouTube channel “Cruel World Happy Mind” made a video about Jared Leto’s exploitative behavior and his cult. She typically makes videos about pyramid schemes and celebrities and organizations that exploit people. She has one of the best analysis of Jared Leto’s toxic activity.

As of January 3rd, 2021, the video below has 156,246 views. Cruel World Happy Mind’s YouTube account has roughly 65,000 subscribers.

here to network” - The YouTube account “here to network” is a small YouTube account who meticulously created a video about Jared Leto and his cult and his involvement in politics, technology, and world domination. Sonya Stepanova and Rachel Brown, the two women commenting in this video, do a great job compiling information about Jared Leto. Without having a biblical or spiritual context to Jared Leto, or understanding that what he is Satan, they still understand he is trying to take over the world. Some of their assumptions about Jared Leto and and his motives are not perfectly accurate but nevertheless it is one of the most informative videos about Jared Leto. Watch their video below.

H3 Podcast” - The YouTube account “H3 Podcast” is one of the most popular podcasts on the internet and they have a great video featured below about Jared Leto’s suspicious activity and how he exploits his fanbase and he behaves like he is a prophet while profiting from his fans with absorbent amounts of money.

As of January 3rd, 2021, the video below has 796,098 views. H3 Podcast’s YouTube account has roughly 1.53 million subscribers.

News and Media Articles about Jared Leto’s Suspicious Behavior

KQED - “Thirty Seconds to Mars’ Jared Leto Started a Cult - Because of Course He Did” - Written by Rae Alexandra

Click on the image below to be directed to the article

Kulturehub - “Suspect activity: What’s really good with Jared Leto?” - Sloan Varunok

This article sheds some light on the the sexual assault allegations against Jared Leto.

Click on the image below to be directed to the article

PAJBA - “Jared Leto And Thirty Seconds To Mars Have A Cult On Their Island” - Written by Jodi Smith

Click on the image below to be directed to the article


Grunge - “The Truth About Jared Leto’s Bizarre Cult” - Written by Richard Milner

Click on the image below to be directed to the article

Raw Music TV - “Jared Leto has started a CULT on an island and his followers call him ‘Prophet’” - Written by AC SPEED

Click on the image below to be directed to the article

L’Officiel - “The Cult of Jared Leto” - Written by Courtney DeLong

This article is more tame and potentially bias than the other articles because Jared Leto did a photo shoot promoting himself with the magazine "L’Officiel that was released by the magazine at the same time of this article, so this article was likely written to accompany Jared Leto’s promotional photoshoot and this article is likely a curated article written with the intention of making Jared Leto look good and to make his cult seem more normalized, unthreatening, and more inviting - so be cautious of this article and how it paints Jared Leto. This article is likely bias and the writer was likely ordered and paid by their supervisors to write an article that paints Jared Leto in a good light and that he is not insane or a criminal.

The magazine L’Officiel released an interview and a fashion video with Jared Leto at the same time this article was released, so this article is most defiantly propaganda and not hard journalism, but it does give insight on the people who are helping Jared Leto, like how Gucci is providing him with personally designed clothing for him to flaunt and look like luxurious and prophetic.

The Interview (released October 30, 2020)-

The Fashion Film (released November 2, 2020) -

Click on the image below to be directed to the article

Jared Leto reveals he is Satan in his song lyrics

Jared Leto even admits he is Satan in his song “Great Wide Open”. One of the lyrics in the song is “I swear to God I’m the Devil”.

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Watch Jared Leto sing “Lord, save me from sin”. This is one of Jared Leto’s lyrics, on of his many lyrics where he reveals he is Satan in plain sight.

Below is one of the creepiest videos of Jared Leto. He’s playing at a concert in Moscow, Russia, and he is hardly singing at all but making sounds and chants in front of the audience and brainwashing them to repeat and mimic them. This is a form of mind control. He drags this on for minutes. This is a concert that people paid money for, likely a lot of money; imagine paying to go to a concert for the lead singer of the band your seeing doing something like this - it’s absolutely bizarre behavior coming from anyone. This is what Jared Leto does at his concerts. He teaches people not to think for themselves and do whatever he tells them to all under the guise of “fun” and “entertainment” and “community”.

Tactics that Jared Leto Uses to Control People

Infantilization - One of the ways Satan, the False Prophet, orchestrates his cult is by infantilizing them. He has concerts and events like “Camp Mars” and “Mars Island” where he has children’s-summer-camp-themed style activities to make the adults feel that they are little kids again who are being “taken care of” by Jared. The video below discusses to tactic of “infantilization” by narcissistic leaders.

The video below is an example of the infantilizing of the fanbase. One of Satan’s fans discusses how the cult is “not a cult” and uses her cognitive bias to justify why what this cult’s behavior is normal to her. Even though on the surface “painting pictures” and “having fun like you’re at summer camp” seems innocent, that’s the point, Satan want’s his cult base to feel at ease and innocent to attract people to the cult. This is a manipulation tactic.

The video below is a testimony of a woman who follows Jared Leto. You can see her dedication to him and how great she thinks he is and how she has an infantile state of mind as she describes the “summer camp activities” she participated in with Jared Leto.


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