The Nine Attribute System
The Nine Attribute System is a mathematical way of understanding God. The Nine Attribute System is a method of understanding people (their personalities, motives for their actions, their struggles, and why they are the way they are), understanding objective reality, objective morality, judgement and compassion, sin, logic based reason (as opposed to emotional based reasoning and confirmation bias reasoning and other forms of reasoning that confuse and distort truth), metaphysics, God, good and evil, fact and fiction, and how to understand how to become a better person.
This system has two paths, the path towards light and the path towards darkness. A person can become healthier by understanding truth better, morality better, logic better, compassion better, and how to improve as a person in all aspects of life, or, a person can descend by making up their own “truths” for selfish and irrational reasons, indulge in “relative morality” and invent their own unjust systems of ethics and right and wrong - and by doing so, a persons’ mind is pulled into darkness, led by their sin, and they will inherently distort their system of logic, truth, morality, and the other attributes by pursuing unholy life choices.
When looking at the bigger picture, understanding The Nine Attribute System better helps a person understand how to find God and become the kind of person that God allows into His kingdom.
Diagram 1
Diagram 1 illustrates the 9 fundamental attributes of a fundamental life-form. I have grouped the attributes into 3 groups, each containing 3 attributes. Note that any one of these attributes could have been grouped in any group. Depending on how these attributes are grouped, you can see different patterns and relationships between these attributes.
Grouping the attributes in these 3 groupings demonstrates how a person’s perception of reality, ethics, and spirit affect one another. The diagram below illustrates how a person’s system of logic, who or what a person’s allegiances are towards (a person’s loyalty and what outside forces, temptations, and principles lead a person), and their sense of compassion and justice are interrelated; and this diagram shows how a person’s thoughts, emotions, and actions are interrelated.
Diagram 2
Diagram 2 illustrates how closely or distantly a person perceives objective reality affects their spirit, their thoughts, their actions, their emotions, their sense of compassion and judgement and justice, what their allegiances and intentions are, their system of logic, and their system of ethics. How a person perceives reality affects all other aspects of themselves, and so does all the other attributes. All attributes of The Nine Attribute System affect one another.
Diagram 3
Diagram 2 illustrates how all 9 attributes proportionately affect one another. Nothing exists in a vacuum. It is impossible for any one of these attributes in a person to not affect the rest of the 9 attributes in a person.
If someone’s emotions are acting a certain way, those emotions will influence someone’s sense of judgment, justice and what they direct their compassion and sympathy towards (if they have any), it will influence their system of logic, it will affect their spirit, it will influence what they are loyal to and what they are aligned with and what they pledge their allegiances to, it will influence their thoughts, it will influence their actions, it will influence their perception of reality, and their emotional state will influence their system of ethics.
And just how, what someone is aligned with and who or what someone has pledged their allegiance to guides their decisions, thus affecting someone’s thoughts, their actions, their sense of ethics, their perception of reality, their sense of compassion and justice and judgement, their spirit, and their system of logic.
There is no escaping how all that is within a person and all that a person does affects everything else inside of them and everything else a person does. Adjusting anything within a person causes a chain reaction inside of themselves and affects everything else. Life becomes an art of fine-tuning everything within a person to become the best version of themselves they possibly can. Adjusting any attribute will modify the rest. Just how moving a chess piece on a chess board affects every other piece and every other space on the board, a person must be strategic with every thought they think, every emotion they feel, and every decision they make, how they choose to perceive reality, what ethical code they adhere to (if any), and who or what they decide to follow to lead them through life - life must be carefully calculated to harvest the best results and become the most effective person one can become.
Diagram 4
Diagram 5 illustrates the Godly direction people can take regarding the 9 Attribute System.
If a person’s perception of reality is closer to seeing reality for the way it truly is, the closer they are to God and understanding God’s perspective - the same goes for how logical someone is, how moral a person is, how holy their spirit is, etc.
Diagram 5
Diagram 5 illustrates the evil and ungodly direction people can take regarding The 9 Attribute System. Moving away from God leads to evil. The mind falls apart and a mind becomes delusional, irrational, immoral, apathetic and a person prioritizes sin and has evil thoughts, evil emotions, and performs evil actions and develops a demonic spirit.
Diagram 6
Diagram 6 illustrates the spectrum of Good and Evil. Apperceptive life-forms can either ascend towards God and become good or descend towards sin and chaos and become lost and fall into evil.
Diagram 7
Diagram 7 illustrates how understanding reality functions and how life is engineered allows a person to understand how people must behave in order to create the most efficient society, thus allowing a person to understand what the best moral code is objectively. Truth allows a person to see the truth - knowing the truth of reality allows a person to see the truth of morality. Also, being a “truthful person” and being honest to yourself and other people and telling yourself and the world “the truth” and not “lies” and misinformation will remove confusion in the world and add clarity in yourself and the collective consciousness of humanity, which is “moral” and this is an aspect of achieving “objective morality”. And being “truthful” brings clarity to the world, which helps you and other people see “the truth” and with knowing “the truth” people can have the access to being more moral people, thus becoming better people. Knowing “the truth” and “being truthful” is a pathway to becoming “objectively moral”. Being “objectively moral” and treating people well leads to becoming a more truthful person and enables people to better discover the philosophical and metaphysical truths; being moral and good to people and “doing the right thing” removes confusion, hostility, misinformation, and removes obstacles from the world caused by immorality that warps people’s minds. Doing the right thing helps lead people to see truth and see reality for the way it truly is.
Being evil and immoral warps people’s minds inherently - therefore, people who are evil and immoral inherently cannot see the truth and are inherently confined to living within a psychosis. Being evil warps the mind and causes it to be removed from reality and actuality and understanding facts and truth. Evil inherently tries to twist the truth and bend one’s own perception of reality and other people’s perceptions of reality to fit a narrative that allows for their evil to be normalized and accepted by oneself and others.
Pursuing the understanding objective truth leads to discovering objective morality, and vice versa; pursing the understanding objective morality and living to the highest moral code will allow a person to see objective truth - the mind becomes clear when it is clean and the mind becomes clean when the mind is pure, good, and moral, and through this purity, one’s soul and spirit, becomes holy.
By purifying one’s soul and repenting and improving, a person inherently becomes more moral as their spirit becomes holier and through becoming purer, one’s mind becomes clearer and seeing the truth and seeing the objective nature of reality becomes easier.
These three components directly influence one another.
This is something to take note: all the attributes of the 9 Attribute System influence one another like this example between how being truthful and pursing “truth” impacts how “moral” a person is and impacts how holy and unholy a person’s spirit is, and how “moral” a person is influences how well a person can perceive “truth” and influences how “truthful” a person is and affects how holy and unholy a person’s spirit is, and how holy and unholy someone’s spirit is affects how well they can perceive “truth” and how “truthful” they are and affects how moral they are. Breaking down the 9 attributes into groups of thirds makes it easier to visualize how these components affect one another.
As redundant as saying this is, we can see how from every angle each of these phrases equal and feed into each other, just as a perfectly balanced mathematical equation should, and this is another way we can know that this is the truth:
Being truthful and seeing reality for the way reality truly is a requirement for being objectively moral.
Being truthful and seeing reality for the way reality truly is a requirement of having a holy soul.
Being moral is a requirement for being a truthful person and for perceiving the truth of how reality truly is.
Being moral is a requirement for having a holy spirit.
Having a holy spirit is a requirement for being truthful and seeing reality for how reality truly is.
Having a holy spirit is a requirement for being objectively moral.
Because God’s spirit is perfectly pure, God is perfectly truthful and sees “truth” perfectly.
Because God’s spirit is perfectly pure, God is “objectively moral” and “perfectly good”.
Because God is perfectly truthful and sees “truth” perfectly, God is “objectively moral” and “perfectly good”.
Because God is perfectly truthful and sees “truth” perfectly, God’s spirit is perfectly pure.
Because God is “objectively moral” and “perfectly good”, God’s spirit is perfectly pure.
Because God is “objectively moral” and “perfectly good”, God is perfectly truthful and sees “truth” perfectly.
Diagram 8
Judgement and logic are the process of determining what a person believes is right and wrong and true and not true; what a person is aligned to and how humble a person is influences a person’s system of logc, Being humble leads to being compassionate and having good judgment and being humble aligns a person to a righteous life, towards God. God is the most humble being and most moral being, and likewise, those who want to stay prideful and sinful will detest being like God and will not align with Him.
And vice versa, being humble and aligning oneself with what is righteous and turning away from sin leads a person to being more humble, and aligning oneself towards righteousness leads a person to being more compassionate and leads a person to having better judgement. Goodness feeds itself. God and Jesus Christ should always be a person’s allegiance above everything else. Being aligned to God and Jesus Christ will make a person more humble and make a person more compassionate and by following Christ a person will have better judgement and will have a better compass on how to navigate through making decisions.
Having the right amount of compassion and precise judgement in life leads a person to align with all the things that are righteous in life and having the appropriate amount of compassion in a given situation and having precise judgement leads a person to being more humble.
All of these components lead to one another.
What does it mean to have the “appropriate amount of compassion” and what does it mean to have “precise judgement”?
“Compassion” and “Judgement” are closely intertwined, and in some ways, these two concepts can arguably be said to be two eyes on the same head. How much we have compassion for someone or something determines how much we decide to help that someone or something. The more compassion we have for someone, the more we want to help them and the more we are inclined to pour our time, energy, and recourses into helping that person; the less compassion we have for someone, the less inclined we are inclined to put ourselves into helping that person. If there is someone who is deserving of help, but if our level of compassion for them is below our threshold to help the individual, then we will not help them, this is why having the correct amount of compassion for people is important. And at times we have too little compassion for people who deserve it, and if this is the case, then our judgement is skewed. Our judgement is determined by our sense of compassion and our sense of compassion is determined by our sense of compassion - these two concepts are joined at the hip.
But we can also have too much compassion for someone who does not deserve the compassion. There are times, due to a variety of variables and circumstances, we may have more compassion for someone’s perceived plight then they deserve, which can cause us to help someone more than they need, if they truly deserve or need help at all. When this happens, the judgement and decision-making-ability of the person who is helping is off and is not good. In order to have precise judgement, a person’s sense of compassion must be at the appropriate amount of compassion, where a person’s compassion is appropriate for the circumstance at hand; furthermore, a person cannot be indifferent or uncompassionate towards people or situations that deserve the attention and a person cannot be overly concerned or compassionate towards people or situations who are undeserving of that compassion.
If we are helping people who should not be helped and not helping people who should be helped, then we are not being logical; we are not using fair and precise judgement; we are not acting out justice. In order to have correct judgement, we must have the correct amount of compassion, and vice versa, in order to have the correct amount of compassion for a given situation, we must have correct judgement. And as we focus on the definitions of “judgement” and “compassion” in this light, in this certain light it appears that “judgement” and “compassion” are one in the same, synonyms, or at the very least, two eyes on the same face.
This is why “compassion” and “judgement” sit on the same corner together on this triangle
And back to the triangle, a person’s level of compassion and judgement is interdependent on someone’s logic and what their allegiances are. If someone’s sense of compassion and judgement is skewed, they will be making irrational decisions and will be behaving illogically, and vice versa, if a person is illogical, then their sense of compassion and their sense of judgement will be skewed. And if someone is sinning and if their allegiances are with sin, then they will skew their judgement to justify sin and they will have a low sense of compassion for the righteous and the people who righteously judge their sin, and they will become apathetic to the righteous and will be compassionate for the sinful and for those who enable their sinful behavior.
But when we are aligned with virtue and righteousness and when we are free from sin, we are compassionate to those who are righteous and to those who are in sin as well, where we have compassion for those who are lost in sin, where we give them chances to break free from their sin so they can repent and become righteous. But for those who decide to stay evil and relish in evil and advocate for evil and spread evil, who decide to never repent, and take advantage of the compassion that may be offered, then that is where compassion for the wicked ends and the righteous judgement of condemnation begins.
God will send those beings who decide to always be evil to Hell.
These are some examples of ways to measure a compassion and judgment: It would not be compassionate for a righteous person to outweigh the compassion and safety they have for themselves for someone who is evil, where they could make decisions that could harm themselves for the sake of someone who is evil and who would not do the same, or yet, take advantage of the righteous person. For an example: imagine there is a prisoner who is imprisoned in a prison cell. This prisoner is evil and would do evil things to people if they were released. Next to the prison cell is a person who holds a key to the prison cell. The onlooker looks at the prisoner and sees how miserable the prisoner is in the prison cell. The onlooker is filled with compassion for the prisoner and wants the prisoner to be free and enjoy life outside the prison cell, the onlooker opens the prison cell with the key and releases the prisoner. The prisoner then exits the prison cell and kills the onlooker who released them and then goes out in the world and commits more acts of evil.
When people have a disproportionate sense of compassion for certain people, especially people who are hopelessly wicked, they are not having compassion for the other people in the world who have to then live with the evil that is being committed, and they are not having compassion for themselves when they put themselves into harm’s way and allowing themselves to be hurt by enabling the evil actions of the wicked.
It can easily be argued that releasing an evil person from prison evil and a sin. Having poor judgement and a disproportionate sense of compassion can lead to sinful irrational behavior.
A person’s sense of judgement and compassion affects their sense of reasoning and their ability to be logical and it affects how sinful and how righteous they are. All of these components delicately influence one another.
In a general sense, I would advise people to not form relationships with people or make deals with people who are evil and to not sacrifice yourself in anyone for someone who would not do the same. This may be a case of “do not cast pearls before swines,” but life is nuanced and there are exceptions to this, like how Jesus died on the cross for humanity and sacrificed himself for people who at the time would not have done the same for him, there are times when we should sacrifice for people to open a path for someone to understand what God’s love looks like.
Diagram 9
Righteous thoughts lead to righteous emotions and righteous energy. How we think affects how we feel, so if we are thinking holy thoughts, we will receive holy energy and holy emotions. And when we have righteous thoughts and righteous emotions, we inherently will want to perform righteous actions.
Righteous actions lead to a person to having a stronger mind where they are able to think more clearly. The quality of someone’s behavior affects the quality of the person and what happens inside of them internally, emotionally and mentally. Good actions lead to good thoughts and emotions. Not only that, but good actions place a person into righteous situations, and righteous situations lead a person to getting closer to higher levels of thinking and feeling. With every righteous thought, righteous emotion, and righteous emotion, a person steps closer to reaching higher levels of righteousness and functionality. A person may not know what the best thought, the best decision, the best action, or the best emotion to have in the moment, but as long as they search themselves to do the best they can within the moment they are in, and continue to do so, they will grow and increase in righteousness and their consciousness will expand to become something more, and in the future they will experience more sophisticated ways of thinking, greater peace and more control over their emotions and actions and how they respond to situations.
Emotions are our spirit’s way of thinking as cognitive thoughts are the mind’s way of thinking. These two methods of thought need to be synchronize with one other to be a healthy rational person. Our spirit can be telling our minds what is right and what is wrong while our mind is lost and confused on what is the right and wrong thing to do and think. Ideally, what we feel emotionally and instinctively, instinct is another way describing how we experience emotions and our spirit. Sometimes our spirit is confused and chaotic and our emotions are fluctuating in unfavorable ways that leads us to want to do irrational things and have irrational thoughts; when this happens, if we are able to think rationally, we need to override our emotions and what our spirit is telling us with the rational thoughts of our mind, and vice versa; sometimes we may have these ideas in our mind of what we should believe and what we should do, but our spirit is warning us to do something different, where we must listen to our emotions more than our cognitive thoughts; it takes discernment to learn when to listen to our spirit or our mind, and this is why in order to be healthy and righteously aligned, our mind and our spirit must be aligned and thinking the same thing so our emotions and our thoughts (our spirit and our mind) are not at war with one another. Additionally, the reward effect of doing good actions while thinking good thoughts will give us good and holy emotions and ultimately increase our spirit. Having more energy and positive emotions creates a cycle of rejuvenation and positivity which makes it easier for an individual to have righteous thoughts and make decisions where they do righteous things, which then will give them a greater outlook on life, more confidence, a greater sense of purpose and a greater relationship with themselves, other people, and God - giving them more righteous emotions.
Diagram 10
This diagram illustrates how every one of these components all lead to one another and collectively leads to God. Following these triangles leads to knowing God, it leads to behaving godly, and it leads to understanding the truths of God’s existence and the awareness of how the universe and how life is designed. To say this simply, being good in some areas of life will lead to other aspects of yourself improving. Tuning up an aspect of yourself affects other aspects of yourself. Being more humble can make your mental and emotional state better, whereto have more logical thoughts that can lead you to understanding truth and morality better. Each of these qualities affects all the rest.
Diagram 11
The triangles of evil all lead to one another. And all of these attributes lead to evil. Being more evil in one aspect of your life leads to you becoming more evil in other aspects of your life.
Unrighteous, bitter, jealous hate leads to delusion and irrationality, which leads to confusion, which leads to making bad decisions, which leads to suffering, which leads to more hate, which leads to a more disturbed and irrational mind, which leads to more confusion, which leads to making more bad decisions, and the vicious cycle continues, and evil becomes more evil and more set in being evil with each time the vicious cycle is completed.
The only righteous hate is to hate those who relish and worship a life of the qualities of the triangles of evil.
Immorality is evil and leads to more evil. Being delusion leads to evil and delusion is caused by evil. Having a demonic spirit is evil and leads to evil. Irrational thinking leads to evil and evil outcomes, when bad decisions are made, chaos and destruction occurs. Injustice leads to evil and being apathetic and indifferent to life and people and the importance of righteousness and compassion leads to evil. Sin is evil and leads to evil.
Evil emotions lead to evil decisions and deteriorate a person’s mind and their soul. Evil emotions like hate, jealousy, lust, among other harmful emotions, deform a person’s soul and their mind and makes a person more demonic.
Evil thoughts lead to evil decisions and deteriorate a person’s mind and soul like evil emotions do (as they both go hand in hand).
Evil actions, which is the “physical” “outward” and “external” result of all of the other attributes of evil. All of the evil emotions, evil thoughts, sin, delusion, irrationality, apathy, injustice, and immorality manifests into actions that spread evil into the world and into other people’s lives, which leads to chaos, the loss of sanity, and hopelessness throughout the world.
Diagram 12
Diagrams 12 illustrate how living life with the righteous attributes leads to God and creates a good, orderly, and sane society and how living with the evil attributes leads a person away from God and creates an evil, chaotic, and an insane society.
The 9 Fundamental Attributes of an Apperceptive Life-form are:
Perception of Reality - a person’s perception of reality is how a person thinks life works. How a person perceives reality determines what is real and what is not real, what is true and not true to the individual. Since all of these attributes are interrelated, someone’s perception of reality affects every other aspect of a person’s life. Someone’s perception of reality affects a person’s system of ethics. Since we determine what is right and what is wrong based on observing the physical world around us, if we are observing life around us accurately, then we have the ability to come to accurate conclusions about what is right and what is wrong and what is good and what is bad in the world, but if we observe reality inaccurately, then we do not have the ability to understand what is right and what is wrong and what is good and what is bad.
If we are drawing upon inaccurate information to determine what sort of moral behavioral code to live by to function and treat ourselves and other people, the code of ethics will be compromised proportionately by how far a person is removed from objective reality.
Again, since all aspects of a person are interrelated and a part of a delicate ecosystem, if a person’s perception of reality is distorted, then their system of ethics is distorted, and those qualities are distorted, then a person’s system of logic is distorted, and a person’s sense of compassion and justice are distorted, and how a person thinks and feels and behaves are unhealthy, and inherently, if a person is mentally and emotionally removed from how reality actually is, then everything else about them will be distorted as well.
Allegiance - Someone’s allegiance is what they are loyal to. Is a person aligned with God? Which “god” do they worship? Is it a made up version of “God” or is it the real God? Iis someone aligned with a person, or money, or status, or drugs, or alcohol, or sex? What does someone prioritize and what do they prioritize above all else? What would someone sacrifice everything for?
Spirit - Someone’s spirit is their spiritual genetic code, so to speak, and when a created being, like humans are created, their spirit is malleable and can be altered by what we do, what we think, what emotions we entertain, how much compassion we have and how we judge people and ourselves, what we worship and what we are aligned with, and it is our spirit is altered by our perception of reality and what moral code we adopt. And we adopt the correct actions, thoughts, perception of reality, and morals, etc., then our soul becomes healthy and when we do not adopt the right behaviors then we become unhealthy and our souls decay and eventually die and become demonic. There is only so much time until a being’s spirit solidifies into a certain state of existence. It is crucial that we make sure that we do the right things so our spirits solidify into holy spirits and not demonic spirits.
The Goal
From eternal conflict within the 9 Attribute System, a person will experience an array of difficulties and struggles and will be spiritually distant from being holy and will be distant from God and of God’s ways.
The goal for every person on this Earth is to continue learning and modifying oneself so they are aligned with the right things in life which will lead them to a holier lifestyle where they are closer to God.
Overall, a person is either growing in the right direction, towards God and righteousness, or degenerating towards sin, confusion, psychosis, and a psychosomatic existence, poisoning themselves and causing problems for people, for society at large, and the hierarchy of the inter-dimensional biosphere of all the life-forms God has created.
The mind and the spirit can be regenerated. An unholy spirit can become holy. A lost person can regenerate themselves by walking the righteous path and overtime can grow as a person and be led out from darkness and into light.
For more information about learning to modify oneself to become the most effective and Godly person possible and how to resist and rid a life of temptation, irrational and wrong thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and to lead oneself out from living in a false reality and a life of confusion - read the Bible and follow Jesus - the mind and the spirit can be regenerated. The first step is aligning yourself with the will to become righteous and receiving the right information to help guide you towards the righteous path and the way of Jesus. Jesus Christ was the one who masted the 9 Attributes mentioned here and He set the example of what we should become.
Another helpful way to walk the righteous path is by forming relationships with people and surrounding yourself with others who are moving towards Jesus and by removing yourself from relationships and people who pull you back into the dark path.