Verification that Christianity is the Truth and Understanding What Christianity is

Christianity, put simply, is following Jesus Christ and living a life that is Christ-like so we may follow Jesus into heaven. Jesus Christ is the individual God put down on this Earth for us to follow.

There are people who have many doubts on whether God is real or whether the Christian narrative is true.

My stance is: the only way a person can deny Christianity is true after reviewing this information is if they have decided to deny it and have decided to not see the obvious. If you authentically research everything on this page, you will not be able to deny the truth that is in front of you. If you are bias and do not want to see the truth and want to resist seeing the truth, then you will twist the information in your mind in such a way so the truth does not appear to be the truth. We only see the truth as clearly as we are truthful. We only see the truth as clearly as our hearts and souls are pure.

To answer the question “What is Christianity?”, Christianity is the teaching method God is giving humanity to become better people and accept God as their leader to lead them into a utopia and an age of enlightenment that humanity would forever fail to reach. Christ is the shepherd who shepherds people into heaven if they remain true and leave sin behind.

Below are videos and explanations of the truth and reasoning of Christianity while detailing the proof and the factual evidence of the existence of God and why Christianity and how the world is logically coherent with the existence of the Christian God and why no other explanation is sensical.


For those who need help understanding why Islam is not true doctrine, there already is a website dedicated to this, go to:

“The Case for Christ Documentary - Lee Strobel” - Lee Strobel was a former atheist and massive skeptic of Christianity. He was a journalist who was upset with his wife for believing in Christianity and wanted to definitively prove her wrong by using his professional and highly trained journalistic skills to investigate Christianity. He traveled around America to experts and read through the Bible and researched the history of Christianity and how the Bible was constructed and after his investigation he determined there was more than enough evidence to prove Christianity and he became a believer. This is a documentary about some of the evidence he discovered.

“The God Who Speaks” - This is an in-depth video about the evidence of the Bible and why it is true.

How We Know Jesus and the Early Church existed” - The video below is the best overview and introduction of Christianity that I can find. If you are questioning Christianity and want to know what it is and how it began and the fundamental evidence surrounding it, watch this.

Proof that the Antichrist is real - The two videos below prove that God and Christianity are true because they prove that the prophecies in the Bible about the Antichrist existing is true. Prophecies and miracles like this would not occur unless the Christian God is real.

Scooby-Doo and the Case of the Silly Skeptic” - There is so much evidence for God that people who don’t want to believe that God exists are bias. This is an explanation of the psychological state of people who prefer to run away from the Christian God being true.

Jesus in Genesis: 1. The First Word of the Bible” - Put the pieces together: in the video below, it is explained how the coming of Jesus was predicted in the 1st book of the Bible and the Tanakh (the original Jewish word for the Old Testament). For those who do not know, language the Jewish people originally spoke was a language called Hebrew. Hebrew is a pictographic language, meaning that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are also symbols that are essentially words by themselves, but are also letters at the same time that can make words when arranged together, like how the letters in English are arranged to make words. But what is different about Hebrew is that words can have two meanings: the meaning of the word itself and the meaning that the pictographs spell out. And often the meaning of the pictographic meaning of the Hebrew word corresponds and expounds upon the meaning of the Hebrew word, as if each word has two halves to its meaning that when analyzed side by side, you see the whole meaning of the world.

The word Yahweh” - the word for God in Hebrew, the name God gave Moses when Moses asked God, “Who are you?”. “Yahweh”, God replied. The Hebrew word Yahweh literally means “I am who I am”. And the iconography of the word of Yahweh translates to “behold the nail, behold the hand”. To better understand what I’m saying, each letter of the Hebrew word “Yahweh” has a meaning and is a word in of itself. Each letter of the word Yahweh spells out “behold the nail, behold the hand” which is referencing how Jesus died on the cross when he was crucified. His hands were nailed through and it was his hands which still had the holes in them that he showed to his disciples after he was resurrected that had them convinced that he had come back to life.

Jesus was God in the flesh. When people asked him to identify himself, he would respond with “Ya”, which means “I am” in Hebrew, but specifically, “Ya” is also a shorthand way of saying God’s name “Yahweh”, so Jesus, in other words, was saying that he is the “I am”, that he is “Yahweh”, that he is God.

The Fine-Tuning Argument for God’s existence - The video below discusses the fine tuning-argument.

What is the Bible?” - For those who are questioning the Bible or who are new to the Bible, this is a good overview of the construction and the advent of the Bible.

Basic Differences Between Islam and Christianity” - As always, Frank Turek is a joy and he speaks about the differences between Islam and Christianity and helps place a few key pieces of at the puzzle of understanding Truth and Christianity in the video below.

“Debating the Resurrection of Jesus: William Lane Craig vs Peter Atkins” - Watch the video below to learn about the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.

There are scrolls that predicted Jesus’ coming that we have that predate Jesus my hundreds of years. Find out more in the video below.

Sin - Understanding what sin is is one of the ways to check the logic of the Bible. By understanding how doing wrong things prevents world peace from occurring, we understand how the way that God behaves according to the Bible makes logical sense and explains why the Bible is written in the way that it is written and explains why the world is as it is demonstrates that God does exist. Another way of saying this is, if God did exist, our world would exist exactly as it is - the way the world exists is the logical outcome of what happens when God’s created beings need to be quarantined from the rest of god’s creations for being sinful and troublesome. And within this time that God has quarantined humanity, God is giving humanity the chance to become better people and repent so they can one day be people who deserve to live with God.

Because we sin, humanity needs to understand why sinning creates a horrible world to live in and if we stopped sinning, the horrors of the world would stop happening.

God orchestrated the universe as it is for us to be faced with this realization.

Through life experience on Earth, people encounter numerous problems caused by other people’s neglectful and selfish decisions. If people are intelligent, they learn how hopeless humanity is in creating a better world without God. And with this grace period God has given humanity, God is giving people the chance to realize how they have been neglectful and selfish themselves and that they have been a part of the problem as well and in order to not be a part of the problem anymore can change and become more godly people.

The video below helps explain what sin is about.

The video below is a demonstration of how easily it is to dismantle arguments against God’s existence. If you happen to be someone who believes that you have stumped any keen theologian and truth seeker on the existence of God, open your mind, the ideas against the belief in God fall flat.

In this video below, this is a great conversation between Frank Turek and Eric Metaxas that should help you understand the framework and psychology of someone who is honestly pursing the truth instead of trying to avoid it.

Renowned atheist, Christopher Hitchens admits how stumped he is on the Fine-Tuning Argument in this video below. Are you in the same boat as him?

Is Truth Knowable?” - The video below is of Frank Turek discussing how truth is attainable and knowable, therefore the existence of God is knowable, and for those people who refute that truth is not knowable, Frank Turek has a logical response to that. Truth cannot be defeated.

How Is Objective Truth An Argument For God?

How do we know Jesus was really who he said he was?

No Originals? The Bible Is a Copy.” - For those who are questioning whether the Bible can be reliable because Bibles are copies of copies of copies of the original, watch the video below.

Why Are There Four Gospels?” - The video below is an explanation on how the four Gospels of the Bible are so significant.

Why is Christianity complicated?” - Does the theology behind Christianity sound complicated? Here is a breakdown of the logic behind Christianity.

Why Are There Conflicts in the Gospels?” - Is the Bible flawed? Are there inconsistencies in the Bible? No, there are not. Watch the video below for a greater understanding of how the different accounts in the Bible are cohesive and truthful.

William Lane Craig DESTROYS an Atheist Scientist” - The video below is a clip of a Christian squaring off with an atheist. One of the points sheds to light is how atheists and non-believers deny objective evidence and how they try to reject proof even if God appeared right in front of them. Check your own intentions and your own desires to seek truth, for if you hide from truth, you will never see God.

Does the cause for the universe have to be God? Can it be something else? Watch this video below.

Atheism and Morality



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